Personal debt and financial crisis causes the same problems all over the developed world, so CAP has been invited to help other countries. In addition to CAP America, there is CAP UK, CAP Australia, CAP New Zealand and CAP Canada who all make up the international CAP family.
CAP all started in Bradford in the UK where Founder Dr John Kirkby CBE set up the charity in 1996. CAP UK has grown into a movement of thousands of Christians and churches standing together to see transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty
capuk.orgCAP Australia
Since 2000, CAP Australia has been offering life-changing help for those in debt and financial crisis in Australia. CAP Australia is transforming lives from Sydney to Swansea and Canberra to Charlestown providing a lasting solution to families weighed down by debt and poverty.
capaust.orgCAP New Zealand
CAP New Zealand was launched in March 2008 and is rapidly expanding in the country known for having the highest levels of personal debt in the developed world. CAP NZ works with local churches to release New Zealanders from debt and poverty – into lives of fullness and freedom.
capnz.orgCAP Canada
CAP Canada launched in April 2013 after invitations from Canadian churches to bring our expertise to help answer the problem of debt in Canadian communities. Every day, churches around Canada provide a beacon of hope for families struggling in poverty.